Communicate safety and lockout information at the point of need with Brady wide selection of OSHA compliant lockout tagout tag. Brady lockout tag come in a variety of material and legend to suit your application need.
Brady Lockout Tag, Rectangular Self-Laminating, Legend: Front: DANGER: DO NOT OPERATE This lock/tag may only be removed by: NAME_____DATE_____Back: This energy source has been LOCKED OUT! Unauthorized removal of this lock/tag may result in immediate discharge. REMARKS:_______, Black/Red on White Legend/Background, 5-3/4 in Height, 3 in Width, B-851 Polyester, 3/8 in Hole, Metal Grommet, 50 lb Withstand Pull Force
(25) Tags and (25) Nylon Fasteners
Warranty Information
Standard Manufacturer Warranty